So we were all working very hard, very hard indeed. Brooms and dustpans in hand we set to clear out a warehouse in Bermondsey and replace the dust and bird droppings with art made by the fair hands of 48 MA Fine Art students. And by George, we did it.
Last week saw the culmination of a years worth of progress with our Interim Show at V22 in Bermondsey, exhibiting carefully selected works to give an insight to the world, our chums and parents, what we’ve been working on for the past academic year. It all came together in unexpected harmony, a trove of disciplines and mediums.
Silly me, I realise I should have perhaps put the word out before the show to let you know, as now of course you cannot go…but fear not, we are only half way there, I’ll see you next year!
Pictures of what I exhibited to follow.